英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 20:17:26

slow down

英 [sləu daun]

美 [slo daʊn]

减速; 放慢速度

第三人称单数:slows down现在分词:slowing down过去分词:slowed down过去式:slowed down

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1. become less tense, rest, or take one's ease

e.g. He relaxed in the hot tub
Let's all relax after a hard day's work

Synonym: relaxloosen upunbendunwinddecompress

2. reduce the speed of

e.g. He slowed down the car

Synonym: decelerate

3. lose velocity
move more slowly

e.g. The car decelerated

Synonym: decelerateslowslow upretard

4. become slow or slower

e.g. Production slowed

Synonym: slowslow upslackslacken

5. cause to proceed more slowly

e.g. The illness slowed him down

Synonym: slowslow up

1. (使)放慢;(使)减速
If something slows down or is if something slows it down, it starts to move or happen more slowly.

e.g. The car slowed down as they passed Customs...
e.g. There is no cure for the disease, although drugs can slow down its rate of development...

2. (使)身心松弛;(使)放松
If someone slows down or if something slows them down, they become less active.

e.g. You will need to slow down for a while...
e.g. He was still taking some medication which slowed him down.

3. see also: slowdown

1. 慢驶:卑诗工作安全局的发言人约翰逊(Gladys Johnsen)说,他们将在素里举办一个慢驶(Slow Down)活动,提醒市民在通过正在修葺的1号公路(Highway 16)和海天公路(Sea-to-Sky Highway)时,把车辆的速度减低至37公里,以及小心遵守交通指挥员的指示及留意路牌,

2. 慢下来:据Honore指出,於1995至2003年任哈佛(相关新闻 - 网站)大学本科生学院(Harvard College)院长的Harry Lewis,自2001年起每年都向新生发出题为<>(Slow Down)的公开信.

3. slow down的解释

3. 慢:会议期间,美国贸易谈判代表施瓦布认为,中国近年来的改革如果不是倒退(backsliding)的话,便是在放慢(slow down). 12月15日的<>甚至诬蔑吴仪副总理的讲话具有防御性(defensive)和挑衅性(defiant).

  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.slow down

Slow down and think what you really want to do at that moment.



高考真题例句 OG 2.slow down

If you need some help slowing down, turn on relaxing music.

若你需要某些外力帮你慢下来, 就播放一点让人放松的音乐。


Slow down! I'm throwing up!(开慢点儿!我要吐了!)
How can we slow down time?(我们怎样才能让时间慢下来?)
It is important to slow down, rest, and eat healthily.(放慢节奏、适当休息和健康饮食是很重要的。)
Those speed bumps that force you to slow down.(那些减速带迫使你减速。)
It began suddenly to slow down, presumably in obedience to a signal.(它突然开始减速,大概是为了遵从一个信号。)
Detaining and ticketing such drivers is not the purpose of the roadblock and would unduly slow down the stops of other cars.(拘留和对这类司机开罚单不是设置路障的目的,而且会使其他车辆过度减速。)
"People are generally being given bad advice to slow down, take it easy, stop worrying, and retire to Florida," he says.(“一般来说,人们总是得到慢下来,放松,停止担忧,然后退休去佛罗里达这类坏建议。”他说。)
We can slow down a little.(我们可以把速度放慢点儿。)
It makes him slow down.(这使他的动作慢下来。)
Slow down or you'll get a ticket.(开慢点儿,否则你会接到一张罚款通知单。)
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